Monday, January 12, 2009

The Mission

To salvage, refashioned, re-orient the woman to change, build and save this generation and the next.

Combating prostitution on campuses & the world in general.

Sapping diseases, poverty, child abuse and child Labour from Africa.

Taking the woman to the place of esteem.

The Vision

We're driven by a burning passion to bring to an end the secret tears and agony of the woman. Therewith, harnessing all her 'weaknesses' and potentials by extracting her out of the cocoon of self-defence, self-defeat, self-pity (second position) and framing her as the bedrock of the next generation. Re-instating the woman's dignity is never going to be enough, she has to discover herself and the use of her 'make-up' (her totality).

To save the world (Africa) from prostitution, diseases, poverty, child-labour, broken homes, child abuse etc. the woman has to be frame mentally, psychologically, economically and otherwise to fit her into the womanhood (building) position she originally belongs. In the woman there are arsenals of power and the potentials more than we can ever imagine. She is a builder, bedrock, foundation, bakery and the future of the New World. We've taken it upon our soldiering hearts to help her actualise her full potentials.

Introducing Sisters’ House of Esteem (SHE)

“Many things can change a woman, things that happen inside, things that happen outside, but the thing that matters most is what she thinks about herself.” --- Patricia Mcgerr

There is a call, there is an echo from eternity and a command from divinity to salvage the world from wars and woes, prejudice and peril, and save the seed in the womb.