Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Ancient Truth

Take it or leave it, Cleopatra of Egypt and Delilah of the Philistine's legend had one thing in common, which is they used a certain potion to win and keep the love of the men in their lives. Theirs was magical, the kind every woman today hope they have. And the truth is that they do have it if only they are willing to employ this ancient TRUTH.

Several historians and researchers have tried in the past to unravel the mystery behind the potion the Egyptian queen used to keep the Great Julius Caesar in Alexandria, Egypt, far away from his throne and beloved Rome. The same potion took over Gen. Mark Anthony the great, and kept him beside Cleopatra, even in death. Nobody has been able to unmasked the elixir that potion was made of, until now.
All possibilities that Cleopatra applied her beauty or sexy charms had long been ruled out. First, she was a descendant of Ptolemy the great who was known to be a Black man, a Negro Pharaoh. It was also a fact that Ptolemy’s daughters were tall and lanky. And as for being sexy, they were said to be warlike females. Every fact in history proved beyond doubt that what kept the men glued to Cleopatra's pillow was definitely not her physical charms. The only particular physical charm history relates about her was her caterpillar lips.

WATCH OUT for the continuation, next week. Love you SHE family.

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